Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
- OurPeople Reach
- OurPeople Communicate
The Web App Inbox serves as your central hub for all important communications, featuring a view of all your received and waiting-to-reply broadcasts. Meanwhile, the "My Forms" section allows you to easily access and complete any forms assigned to you by your company. Through the Web App, you can conveniently manage your communications and stay updated on the latest information from a Web Browser.
Steps to Access your Web App Inbox and Forms:
Accessing Your Inbox: When you log into the Web App, you'll see a menu on the side.
Click on "Inbox" to access your messages.
In the "All" tab, you can see all your broadcasts.
Unread broadcasts are marked with a teal circle.
Select "Not replied" to view broadcasts that require your response.
Click on a broadcast to read and respond to it.
Accessing Forms: Click on "My Forms" to access forms assigned by your company.
Choose a form, and you can complete it within the same window.
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