Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
- OurPeople Reach
- OurPeople Communicate
Web App account profile settings are a vital part of your OurPeople experience. They allow you to personalize your account, from updating your personal information like your name and email address to fine-tuning your notification preferences. This is also the gateway to accessing support and discovering resources to help you understand and navigate the system. It's where you can temporarily snooze notifications when you're away from work. This control ensures your OurPeople experience aligns perfectly with your preferences, making it a versatile and user-friendly platform.
Steps to Account Settings for App Users:
Start by logging into the Web App, and you'll be prompted to verify or set your preferred email address.
Access the support section by clicking "Support." Here, you can browse through articles explaining system features or submit a request for assistance if you encounter issues.
If the option is available, click "Get the mobile app" to learn how to download the mobile app for added convenience.
This page also provides instructions on downloading the mobile app and gives you access to your company's unique "Magic Word," which may be required for app setup.
To access your account settings, click "View account." This is where you can customize your profile.
Click "Edit account" to modify your First & last Name, Email address, or Mobile Phone number.
If you need a break from notifications, click "Snooze notifications." A dropdown menu will appear, allowing you to choose specific notification channels to snooze. If you don't select anything, it will snooze all channels.
Select the duration for which you'd like to snooze your notifications.
If you wish to resume notifications, click "Resume now" to reactivate them for all channels.
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