Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
- OurPeople Communicate
Mobile Chat in OurPeople provides a streamlined communication platform based on your account permissions. Team Members can engage in various chat types, including Topics, Group Chats, or 1-on-1 Chats. Team Members can easily upload images from their device's camera or library, share files, and even add an element of fun with GIFs from the Giphy library.
For Steps on Creating/Joining Chat Click Here.
For Steps on Chat Settings Click Here.
Steps to Mobile Chat:
Tap on the "Chat" icon in the OurPeople app to open Topics, Group Chats, or 1-on-1 Chats.
Use Chat to send text messages, attachments, or GIFs.
Note: File uploads are in BETA and may not be available on all accounts. -
Tapping the paperclip icon opens a menu with options: Camera, Image Library, and File.
Choose "Camera" to open your device's camera for image upload.
Select "Image Library" to grant access or choose a specific photo to share.
Select "File" to explore files on your device for sharing.
Tap the GIF icon to transform your message input into a Giphy search bar.
Type a keyword, tap "Go" or the magnifying glass, and select a GIF.
Shuffle or cancel the GIF before sending.
- Hold on the message to add Reactions, Delete your message, or Copy the message.
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