Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
- OurPeople Communicate
Managing Cover in the Web App involves requests for shift coverage, organizing them by teams and status, and assigning cover to team members who have accepted the request. You can also access detailed reports and track who has requested, declined, or not responded to cover requests, streamlining shift management in your organization.
Steps on How to Manage Cover in the Web App:
- Access your "Events" section in the web app.
- By default, you'll be on the "Cover" tab.
- Click "Teams" to filter cover requests by the team(s) they were sent to.
- Use the "Status" filter to sort cover requests by Assigned, Expired, Cancelled, Requests pending, or No requests.
- Click "Assigned to" to filter cover requests by team members they've been assigned to.
- Use the "Future" drop-down, to filter events by Past, Future, or Custom Date. For custom dates, click the calendar icons to set the start and stop dates.
- Click the icon to the very right of the Cover request title to bring up an additional menu to cancel a cover request
- You can Export your Cover Requests reporting.
- Choose between "Previous 90 days" or "Next 90 days" for date filtering.
- Click "Export to CSV" for detailed reporting on your cover events.
- Click on a cover request title to view the Reporting Page in Broadcasts.
- In the Cover section, you can view three details: Requested, Declined, and Not Responded.
- Click "Declined" to see who declined the cover request.
- Click "Requested" to see who requested the cover.
- Click "Not responded" to see who hasn't responded to the cover request.
- Click the icon labeled "More Options."
- Click "Assign" to assign the cover to a team member who accepted the request.
- Confirm your choice to assign the cover to the team member.
Events rely on Timezones for accurate time. If your device or yourself is in a different timezone please be aware of that before sending any of the Event Cards. They will reflect the current Timezone you are in or the Timezone your device has in its Settings, NOT the one assigned to the Account.
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