To view detailed reports on Events, SMS Delivery, People, Files, Chat, and Devices, click 'Reports'.
This page gives detailed reports on Cover, Meetings, and Training cards sent during the last 7, 14, or 28 days depending on the timeframe you're interested in viewing.
Cover: If you click "View Cover Report", you'll see this page. You can filter these results by timeframe as well. You'll see the name of the cover request and requester, the date it was sent, the location it is being requested, and the date the coverage is needed.
To view comments associated with a cover request, click the cover you want to learn more about. Not all cover requests require a comment, but it can be helpful to note why the cover request is being sent out. In the case below, someone had a dentist appointment and needed coverage.
Meeting & Training: The Meeting & Training Report will look just like Cover, but will include all of the sent Meeting / Training broadcasts.
SMS Delivery
SMS credits allow you to reach your team members that have not downloaded the app. In this SMS report, you will see whether credits were spent, purchased, or refunded. You'll also see your available credit balance.
Newly-active users will show in this view.
This report will show how many files were added and how many of those files were then downloaded.
You'll see in this section of the report the number of new chat conversations started, the number of total messages sent, and the number of images sent within the timeframe you've toggled on.
You will see which devices your team accesses OurPeople from in this view.
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