Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:
- OurPeople Reach
- OurPeople Communicate
Outbound Notification Phone Numbers by design, only send one-time passcodes, broadcast notifications, or other system notifications by text message/SMS. People can trust messages from these phone numbers to be from the OurPeople System. These phone numbers are not customizable and do not accept inbound calls or messages (text/SMS).
For your convenience, you can save the OurPeople contact card or share it in a broadcast! Please Download the .vcf file (contact card) below to add these phone numbers to your Contacts.
It is recommended that your IT/HR or other internal departments be aware of these Outbound Notification Phone Numbers before launching OurPeople.
List of active Outbound Notification Phone Numbers:
United Kingdom:
- +44 7481 343485 (This number is used for one-time passcodes)
- +44 7427 525413 (This number is used for SMS notifications)
United States of America:
- +1 424 332 1749 (This number is used for one-time passcodes)
- +1 619 430 2379 (This number is used for SMS notifications)
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